In the Last Age Women Will Dress Like Men

United States

January 1, 2009 9:20pm CST

I happen to come in contact with a lot of older people who dress too young for their age. I think it makes them look older than what they are. My mom and one of her friends are both 50. Now my mom dresses appropriately for a woman her age. Her friend however, wears revealing tops and tight pants and she looks horrible. One of my uncles is in his 50s, and he wears big baggy pants and dresses like someone my age. I don't know, maybe it's just me. I just feel like after a certain age you should dress a certain way.

23 responses

• Philippines

2 Jan 09

I sometimes encounter older people who dress like teenagers and others look like they have come out from vogue magazine looking hot and can carry themselves despite their age, and yet there are some who, dresses up like teenagers but cannot pull and carry the look and do look "horrible." Anyways, I figured that these people just want to feel like teenagers again because they already passed that age and felt like they're missing it. Some may just want to be "in" like everyone.

• United States

2 Jan 09

Perhaps you'll think differently when you get old. I think that everyone should dress so that he/she is comfortable. Besides, the clothing manufacturing companies are of no help, nor are the clothing designers. If you go into what used to be considered an "old lady" store, all you find are the same "young" fashions but in bigger sizes.

• United States

2 Jan 09

my dad he's 52 and he dresses like a 30 year old guy ,when i go out with him it feels that i'm walking with a friend .. so i try telling him he's not young no more but he doesn't listen oh well what can i do about it?jejejejeje anyways that's my dad.

• India

2 Jan 09

hi...its very funny to see older people dress like teenagers, they try to imitate them in different ways finally look like buffoons ....i have also observed some old people dressing so heavily with all sparkling and glittering things, the look so odd.youngness should be there in heart not in the way of dressing...i like people who dress according to their age ,in that they look so's really horrible to see fat people dressing in tight jeans i just cant tolerate....fat people shoud be extra careful the way they dress.

• India

2 Jan 09

No its now you but a lot many people thing it weird when older people dress like youngsters. I consider it weird too and what makes me dislike these people are the hours and money they spend in parlours in trying to remain young. Old age is a natural phenomena and if we only age gracefully and naturally, we would look very elegant. Coloured hair, bright flimsy clothes, garishly polished lips and nails…yes some women do dress not according to their age.

• United States

2 Jan 09

Hey, how are you doing? Well, I agree with you to a point; however it depends on the person's taste & opinion. If they want to "feel" younger than that's perhaps why they're doing that. If you think someone looks terrible in their clothes it's the best thing to talk with them instead of just ignoring it. Have a nice day. Pablo

• Philippines

2 Jan 09

hello ShortyAkbar, In my own opinion, some older people dress like teenagers because they can't admit or accept that they're old already. And that they like to look younger than their age. Others maybe because they were not able to try wearing them when they were still young, maybe they can't afford it before or maybe their parents, brothers, husband were strict to them before. They might be thinking that they look gorgeous on it that's why, not knowing that they look weird. Maybe someone close to them should inform them or remind them about it so they'll know. This way, they will realize about it and dress according to their age already. Though they can also wear but not beyond the limit.

• China

2 Jan 09

Those old people who dress like teenagers maybe just want to make themselves feel younger. Those kind of clothes make them feel better, it's just a kind of metally experence.

• India

2 Jan 09

I think you are right. though fashion is for everyone for age does matter on the fashion. when someone is wearing according to his age then he looks smart. but if he wears something which is for younger generation then he will look odd and can be distinguished from the bench . so wearing with appropriate fashion is better than jumping with the younger generation.

• Philippines

2 Jan 09

Same here, I like that my mom will dress appropriate to her age. she is turning 60 this month i am her best critics the way she dress up. i dont like to her dressing like teenager too. Even though i see someone who dress like that with the same age like her. I wont tolerate it. Happy new year.

• United States

2 Jan 09

I agree I think that you should dress according to your age. With the exeption of some people who can pull it off because they look younger then they really are i think people who try to dress younger than they are do look older than they are.

• United States

2 Jan 09

I agree that once you have reached a certain age, you should dress accordingly. That does not mean that when you are 50 you have to wear drab colors and styles, there are all kinds of clothes out there that are age appropriate yet attractive and complimenting to your body type. I love it when I see women that are older with sophisticated looks. It means that they still takes care to dress nicely but they know that they don't have to wear the clothes that a 20 or even a 30 year old would wear in order to look attractive. My mom also mentioned that she thinks that when you are of a certain age, you should be somewhat of an example to the younger men and women around them. And if a 50 year old has her goods popping out all over the place and is having trouble walking in the 4 inch heels and tight jeans then how could you expect the younger girls and women to think of anything else as being acceptable?

• United States

2 Jan 09

I hate when older people dress like teenagers. I mean, what's the point? It usually just makes them look older, and sometimes it makes them look just plain trashy. I believe everyone has the right to choose what they wear, but I think some people just don't make good choices in this case.

• Philippines

2 Jan 09

i suppose it would take a lot of skill for an older person to look great in young people's clothes. i think though that it is all really a matter of preference and comfort. maybe your relatives feel comfortable dressed the way that they are. in my case, i know for a fact that even when i'm fifty i would probably never be able to wear clothes for that age. i mean i am simply comfortable and happy with jeans and sneakers. i am almost thirty now and i never wear slacks, dresses, sandals or skirts (for my age, these are supposed to be what is appropriate)

• United States

2 Jan 09

I think that we all have that stage where we see someone older then us wearing something that we would, and we get offended or grossed out. While I agree that some men and women shouldn't wear certain things, I think that goes for any age.

• Defiance, Ohio

3 Jan 09

A woman at 50 can still wear clothing that shows a little clevage and look sexy. You are feeling as you are right now because of your age. I say that cause when I was young and in my early 20's. I use to think 30 was old. I had the same way of thinking. As I have gotten older and see my body starting to age. I see I was wrong in my thinking. Now I don't think a woman of 50 should be wearing say a mini skirt. As that just makes her look cheap. As for men in their 50's wearing bayy pants. Let me just say that was happening long befor eyou were born and it was a style for the younger folk.

• United States

2 Jan 09

I agree. When you're in your late 20's you should start dressing more your age and professionally. My mom still dresses casual, but it's her age. She's 44 and doesn't really look 44, but she doesn't dress like she's a teenager. I know when I'm a little older than now I'm not going to want to wear all my clothes I wear now. I'll probably give them to my younger sister. I watched this show on MTV about embarrassing parents and this 14 year old girl's mom was like 50 and dressed like she was 14! She had a lot of plastic surgery done, but you can still tell that she was aged. Her daughter was so upset with it all the time. I would be the exact same.

• United States

2 Jan 09

I agree.I remember when all the men wore suits and dressed up. You dress up now and you stick out in a crowd. I think our society is deteriorating and the only way to change is to set an example. Why can't kids dress nice? Why is it okay for them to dress like idiots? I think kids should dress nice too. I guess kids your age are afraid to be called preppy for looking nice. So what? Its not a crime to dress like a gentlemen. It sure beats the alternative. I went clothes shopping the other day and it is next to impossible to find pants the right size. They just don't make jeans for short people like me. I hate it because it always makes me look like I'm wearing baggy pants. There was a kid next to me buying exxtra baggy pants. I laughed. I'm going to shorten my jeans when I have time.

• United States

2 Jan 09

Yeah, If I had a grandmother I wouldn't like her dressing in skin tight hoochie momma clothing. But if she like to dress like that there isn't anything I could do to make her stop. I honestly think if a person can pull it off then that's great, but if they can't they should listen to people and stop wearing skin tight clothing, because honestly, some people don't fit those types of clothing correctly..LOL. It's weird what some people consider " dressing like a teenager" and what other find appropriate for a person past a certain age. Like when I was a teen I was always told not to wear too much make-up because make-up was more for older women and I was told not to dress and look too sexy in clothing because only mature women dressed in clothing like that, now I'm hearing that mature women shouldn't ware sexy clothing and a lot of make-up. I think it's a matter of personal taste . Even though I maynot like what a person is wearing I'm not going to tell them to stop. It's their choice.

• United States

2 Jan 09

As an older person I don't like to see any one my age dressing like my granddaughter. Some times I don't like seeing my granddaughter dress the way she does. She is young and likes to wear what I call old fashioned under clothing tops that were underclothing back at least a 100 years. But at her age she can carry it off. Some one my age that has had everything gone south just can't carry off that young look. We older people do look much better when we dress with out having any thing hang out or revealed as some of the younger people do. I don't like to see an over weight teenager with those belly shirts and their belly showing it's just as disgusting as it is on an older person. And those baggy pants at any age don't get me started on them.


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